My Partner Was Sexually Abused: Common Questions

It will take time for this response to readjust to healthy, safe relationships, much patience, and become educated. When you disclose the circumstances, it allows your partner the chance to create a safe environment, one where you can feel comfortable, loved, and cared for. But you should do this when you feel close to someone and at your own pace. Talking about sexual assault is difficult but needs to happen since certain aspects of sex might trigger you, and a mate needs to be made aware of that.

I know this is directly linked to his trauma and of course want to respect his boundaries, but the lack of intimacy does have a toll on me and the relationship. We discussed counseling, but he is very reluctant because he “doesn’t believe in psychologists”. Childhood sexual abuse impacts upon people differently.

Do You Want Additional Support And Advice?

Resources such as RAINN’s website are a great place to start. Recidivism rates among child sex offenders are high. Around 17% of child sex offenders are likely to re-offend within two years. Those who truly believe they are not harming children through sexual contact are highly unlikely to be rehabilitated. Sex tourism has become the scourge of the 21st century as a result of increased and cheap world travel, and Australia has its fair share of sex tourists.

I’m glad he offered to take steps, but it hurts. I feel like if my parents or other friends knew, they’d say to break up. He’s helped me through my depression and trauma and I can’t help him. Your partner has acknowledged his history of sexual abuse, and also that he is experiencing ongoing issues in regard to his mental well-being. It’s excellent that he has decided to see a counsellor.

Public Health Agency of Canada

Recent studies show that one out of four women and one out of six men experienced child sexual abuse. You may feel repelled by the thought that your partner has been sexually abused, and you may want to deny it. Your belief will support her first step towards healing. Your denial, on the other hand, could increase her sense of shame and further lower her feelings of self-worth. I’ve been dating a wonderful kind man for the last eight months.

Offering to help them in small ways and doing things for them out of kindness. However, this was never reciprocated in any way, and instead became expected and criticized. My acts of kindness became chores that were never done correctly or quickly enough. If you are angry about something, it’s best to explain why you are angry and what could have been done differently to make the situation less stressful.

This might provide an opportunity to be clear about what the current issues are. Your message makes it clear that these difficulties are leading you to question how long things can continue as they are. Sometimes it can be helpful to focus on what is happening now in the relationship and your hopes for the future.

I dated a guy for awhile whom I finally opened up to about it, he’d had an inkling something was up because of certain things that literally made me cringe. He helped me to be comfortable being touched again and really helped me to want to explore my sexual appetite. Healing is all about doing it on your own terms, whatever is best for your psyche. Abusive partners may also pressure you into having unprotected sex or prevent you from using birth control. Or you may think that getting pregnant will stop the abuse.

You may have a sense of wanting to “get on with life” and “let the past be the past.” This is a normal part of the recovery process and may last for weeks or months. Listen.Many people in crisis feel as though no one understands them and that they are not taken seriously. Show them they matter by giving your undivided attention. It is hard for many survivors to disclose assault or abuse, especially if they fear not being believed because of stereotypes about masculinity. If something happened to you, know that it is not your fault and you are not alone. Men and boys who have been sexually assaulted may experience the sameeffectsof sexual assault as other survivors, and they may face other challenges that are more unique to their experience.

What makes the difference is whether you work on the problems together. People will probably talk about what has happened during the week and about their problems, frustrations and successes. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, and everything that is said in the group should be confidential. Believe your partner and resist the temptation to minimize the abuse. Attention and affection are almost always followed by sexual demands.

It’s easy to see why male survivors of sexual assault are at increased risk for getting depressed, getting into trouble at work, getting physically hurt, or developing alcohol and drug problems. Dating without drinking entails accepting that even as other parts of life look better in recovery, the quest to find love can still be a long, occasionally ugly activity. It is made even harder by the ubiquitous presence of alcohol in American life.